Importance of Art

Music, art and theatre classes are in my opinion extremely important to school systems. This quote is extremely incorrect, especially to those majoring in arts subjects. I'd actually argue that the arts are more useful to the workforce than some of the core classes we have in this age, as most of the things we learn in core classes aren't even needed for most jobs. Having hobbies and a required standard for theatrical and artistic tracks help students to figure out where their strengths and weaknesses are, and whether they want to use their talents as a career and have fun with it rather than being miserable in whatever they're not interested in. People in college change their majors all the time just because they discover that they hated what they were going for originally. Why can't the same run in schools, and why can't the schools allow children to figure out their own interests and learn based off of what they enjoy and what their strengths are??


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