
Showing posts from January, 2020

"The Tourist" steps

Here's how I'd imitate this image: I'd begin by studying various forms of cubism to know what I'm working with Then I'd stand out in an area for an extended amount of time, taking pictures of the same exact area multiple times a day, creating different colors and lighting that'd be noticable for the contrast.  I'd take other various pictures of the area, maybe zoom out, zoom in?? Import the images into Photoshop Stack and crop the images so they still fit together with various lighting Add different blending modes to different areas, and focus on the parts of the image that you want the viewer's attention to be drawn to Add drop shadow to a couple segments, blur certain segments Save image as JPG and move forward! How many photographs? Same time of day? I believe at least 20 pictures were taken at this location throughout the day. Photoshop enhancements? Further considerations? I notice a variety of different blending options combine

Space Project
