
Showing posts from September, 2019
Back to School Project Okay, so I did two project drafts. Both are somewhat usable, but as far as creativity I do prefer the first one. The second one I made to create something that's a bit less of a joke with more realism and such. The first one is my official submission, but I'm going to keep both of these in here anyhow. 
Lost in the World Like Me The general premise of the video is displaying the idea that people are so "connected" to their devices that they're not connected to the real world. It shows that people tend to be emotionless in serious situations, and inconsiderate in most others because they're so focused on their own devices (both meanings of 'devices' could be used in this scenario). The video is effective in conveying this message because it's clear and serious as to what extent technology is affecting us. It's brutal and expressive about how people come across in the current day. I feel as if it's a mix between a warning and an examination of our current society because we honestly aren't too far from that point, and though the animation overexaggerates how we act in public, it isn't far from what most people tend to do.